How to Make Every Cuppa Count
Small or large, at home, work or school – everyone can Make Every Cuppa Count by hosting a tea party, coffee morning or bake sale for Guide Dogs.
Small or large, at home, work or school – everyone can Make Every Cuppa Count by hosting a tea party, coffee morning or bake sale for Guide Dogs.
“I held a bake and bark sale with my family and their furry friends to Make Every Cuppa Count. All the dogs went mutts over the dog-friendly biscuits I made.”
“The children were delighted that their bake sale helped support Guide Dogs. All the posters and treats were made and decorated by them, whilst the adults were there to support and help with the washing up!”
“All the staff had so much fun baking in aid of Guide Dogs. The clients enjoyed the event, and we even baked some dog treats so the patients could join in the fun too!”
At home, at work, at school or in your community. Our official Make Every Cuppa Count day is Friday 25 April – but you can fundraise any day you choose. Use our colourful posters, invites and social media post ideas to let people know about your tea party, coffee morning or bake sale.
Use our recipes for inspiration or simply pop to the shops. Whatever works for you! And if you’d like to, don’t forget you can include your four-legged, furry friends – when you sign up, we’ll send you a free bone-shaped biscuit cutter to bake up some tail wagging treats.
Collect unwanted gifts for a raffle or sweepstake prize. Get competitive with our tea themed quiz, or challenge guests to a bake-off or guess the weight of the cake. Your fundraising pack will have lots of tips to help boost your totals in addition to selling cakes and bakes.
Enjoy the day catching up over a cuppa and lots of delicious cake. Don’t forget to share the link for your JustGiving fundraising page with everyone or print off your JustGiving page QR code so guests can scan to donate. Nobody will have the excuse of having no cash with them!
Paying in the money you raise is easy when you use JustGiving. Not only can you collect donations online, but it also helps resolve those ‘I don’t have any cash on me’ problems thanks to a scan to donate QR code.
You can create a unique QR code to add to event posters or place next to your money box so people can scan to donate at your event or bake sale. To create yours, simply add /qrcode to the end of your JustGiving page’s URL and hit enter. Your unique QR code will then show, ready for you to print or save. For example,
Pay in any cash donations to your online fundraising page from your own bank, or use one of our other ways to pay in. You can log donations not paid in through your page as a ‘Raised offline’ amount so they’re still included in your fundraising total. Visit your page then click ‘edit’, ‘donations’ and ‘add offline donations’ to add the amount you pay in elsewhere.
Call us on 0800 953 0113 and make sure to tell us you’re paying in money from your fundraising over the phone or pay in your fundraising online.
Send a cheque made payable to ‘Guide Dogs’ to:
Guide Dogs,
Burghfield Common,
Remember to include your details on the back of the cheque.
Pay in at any Barclays bank with one of our paying in slips.
Need a slip? Let us know and we’ll provide you with everything you need.